Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Idea

The idea for a SOCCER EVENT DETECTION framework

1) Mention that the framework is divided into two levels...
* Feature selection and extraction
- Here, one novelty is in using textual cues itself
- Secondly, boleh tmpukan kepada further reduction of the search space!!!! MEAN! This can jadik a whole chapter in its own! People have never touched this topic that much, kecuali that Min lady :) So, I think it would be worth while to concentrate on this :D - A CONTRIB!!!!

* Event Detecion
- For this, 2 chapters can come out...
i. Rarely occurring events (kena define rarely, maybe based on the amounts of training data available)...
ii. Frequently occurring events

1. masa event detection... how to compare? - maybe... ok. with video space reduction and with  video space  reduction! ---- can do for BOTH sets of events...
* if done like this, kurang sikit pening kepala nak fikir HOW to detect events... nak guna algo mana... markov ke... mat tov ke...  instead focus on the reduction phase...

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