Okes lah. Today hari, I would like to cakap2 pasal masak2 :D I and my roomate have successfully and illegally brought in some stuff into our hostel room at M01 Desasiswa Restu. The accessories range from a FABER Rice Cooker to... to... one big 14-kg cylindrical 'thinggy' that can provide some sort of 'fire' power :D Fridge also we have... but the small bar-type one (Brand GLOBAL...)...
Anywayz, the main thing is that we could start cooking in our room. Even though agak merbahaya... and also due to the fact that the smoke-detector lurks just above our heads... tapi kena masak jugak. If not, aiya-gazamborina-aida-rahim... kos akan meningkat!!! At least if we cook, insya-Allaah our food expenditure would be so so kurang :D Which would then lead to great amoutns of savings!!!
The first night tu, Azrul attempted nasik-kurma-briyani Al-Jantan? (ye ke mat? ada nama ke nasik kau tu :P)... SODAP MARBELES!!! The next night, saya pulak tried my hands at cooking --> Oyster-Chicken-With-Too-Much-Salt... a bit salty, but Alhamdulillaah, palatable :D
Annywayz... pagi ni yang best sket. Cuz we experimented with curry powder and oso some spices such as kayu manis, bunga lawang, black n white pepper dan sebagainya :D Recipe ni more En Azrul kita yang punya... dan basically proses2nya ialah:
1. Tumis bawang putih n merah
2. Kasik masuk potato yang telah didadu
3. Kasik masuk ayam yang telah dipotong2 halus (btw, this chicken has already been left overnight in the fridge with curry powder, salt n pepper marinade... oh, and some arabic olive oil :D)
4. Kasik masuk sket cherry-tomatoes (kitorang taruk pasal nak kasik habis je)... quite sweet this type of tomato... highly reccommended :D
5. Add some curry powder... to color and taste :D (ada ke 'to color'?)... oh! And also salt to taste... :D
6. Stir stir and stir... stir until satisfied with what you're stirring (ok, that does not make sense... but it did to us!)
7. Add rice and water...
8. Leave to cook until the RICE COOKER button flips to 'KEEP WARM'
Alhamdulillaahi-robbili'aalameen :D
The dish came out MARBELES (ni term Azrul ni...) !!! For our taste la tapi...
Even tho a bit hot and stormy, it was not only palatable... but oso almost the same with what the arabs are selling in front of the mesjid!... and they're cashing in RM6 per pack for their stuff! :( Overpriced... overpriced...
Wannywayes... Let us layan de gambar of the:
Steamed Curry Rice with Curry Chicken Deluxe :D (btw, if anyone has any other recipes yang senang2... kasik la tau kat kami ye :D)
Okes... thank you 4 reading. Assalaam aleykom WBT and Have A Good One...
Proses menumis dan memasak ayam selesai
Adding rice and water
Another look before the lid is closed
The end result...
Close up sket :D
My bekal for today :D